Today I received an awesome blog award from my good buddy Mr Puddy. You can check out his blog here:
Mr Puddys Blog
After winning this Award I now have to:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award (tick)
2. Share 7 things about yourself that the people out in Blog Land might not know. (see below)
3. Award 7 recently discovered great bloggers (see below)
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award (tick)
Seven things you might not know about me:1. I am a rescue cat. I was found in a Pound by someone that Vicki used to work with. Apparently I was a day away from getting the green needle (that doesn't sound like fun!) and she took me home with her. But she already had 2 cats and lived in an apartment. I just wanted to jump off the balcony and keep exploring so she asked around and found me a new home with Vicki & Paul where I am pampered, loved and appreciated.
2. I usually only meiow when I want feeding! And boy do I tell you all about it then. Plus I do meiow when I have a story to tell...like when visitors stay too long..I usually tell Vicki & Paul all about that.
3. I hiss after I sneeze. I hate sneezing. It goes something like this...sneeze, sneeze, sneeze....hiiiiiiisssssss!
4. I love love love tuna, friskies, kangaroo meat, anything from the BBQ especially bacon...
5. I prefer to sit next to people and not on them. I will lie on top of Paul when he is asleep on the lounge but that is normally because he puts me there. And I insist on lying on a blanket on the lounge...I will go and find Vicki and tell her to put the blanket back if it has been moved for some reason.
6. Just like Mr Puddy I love bunny rabbit kicking too! But I am not allowed to do it with Vicki, only with Paul.
7. When I first arrived at Vicki & Pauls house, I had never been outside before even though I was dying to explore....so I had to learn how to climb trees, jump fences and I was fully grown at 18months old! I was a little bit clumsy at first but I am very graceful now (mostly...)
The blogs I pass this fantastic Award on to are:1.
Huffle Mawson - you have always made me feel really welcome on the Cat blog world even though I am really a part-time blogger!
Khyra - cos you always visit my posts and want to eat me!
d'Artagnan Rumblepurr - you always write really entertaining blog entries and you have a Muppet!!!
Sweet Praline - because you are a lovely big ball of floof just like me
Keiko & Kenji - you did a great job linking all the Aussie kitties up and we miss you now you are living in Malaysia
Katnip Lounge - I am in awe of your fantastic adventure playgound
Princess Jasmine - you only started blogging in August 2010 and you have a great following of cats now!
Okay - thats enough from me now....