Sunday, March 25, 2012

Psychic Sunday

It is so nice to be back and sharing my Sundays with you all.  I love my Sunday Affirmations and these cards are so lovely.

If you are new to my blog, go here to read about how Psychic Sundays work:

 Here is this week's card:

The affirmation for this week is, "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."
I don't want new eyes!  I have lovely blue ones thank you.  But how cute is this picture - MOLz.  They look like funny eyes.

This week's quote is from someone called Marcel Proust. Looks like he was a French novelist and critic.  Vicki and Paul love France.  They talk about going and staying in Paris for an extended holiday - not while I am alive, thank you!!!!

If you wish to learn more about Monsieur Proust:

And here are some more of his quotes:

Enough from me today - hope you have a wonderful Sunday, and it is good to be back.
See you next week!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A return to Psychic Sundays.....

Okay - so I am back in the land of the living.  Thanks to all of you for being so patient while Vicki was recovering.  She had a terrible flue that then complicated into other things.....

But, back to business.....

If you are new to my blog, go here to read about how Psychic Sundays work:

 Here is this week's card:

The affirmation for this week is, "Friendship needs no words."
I wanted to find something to thank you all for your well wishes while Vicki was sick and I was offline.  I appreciated all your thoughts. 

I had to go and find out who Dag Hammarskjold was for you all though - who gave us this quote.....He was a pretty interesting guy:

And here are some more of his quotes:

Enough from me today - hope you have a wonderful Sunday, and it is good to be back.
See you next week!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wordy Wednesday

Boy oh boy oh boy oh boy! sorry to be offline for so long but Vicki has been sick, sick sick!  I have been doing great lounge time with her and she promises to be back soon.....xxxx