I have been looking forward to Sunday....I have to tell you that I have loved this week, lots of sunshine and frolicking....so I have pulled the perfect card to share with you all.
If you are new to my Sunday affirmations, here is the link to my original blog post:
Original Psychic Sunday blog postTodays card is

The affirmation on the back of this card is:
"Enjoy the freedom that comes with release."That must mean when I am released from the back door and go frolicking down my yard. Oh boy do I enjoy that freedom. I hate being stuck in the house all the time....I must be a little like a gypsy wanderer..except I do like coming home to my warm comfortable bed and Temptations, Friskies, chicken etc which you would never get if you lived out of a loving home....okay, so I am a part-time freedom lover. I can live with that.
Enjoy your Sunday and thanks for all your words of wisdom last Sunday. I knew I would learn cool things if I handed the floor over to you guys!!!