Sunday, December 30, 2012
Psychic Sunday
Welcome back to Psychic Sunday.
I hope you like what I have in store for you this week.
The card I have pulled for you today is Mystery:
The advice for this card is, "For many hundreds of years scientists and scholars have been trying to work out how our world works, and yet, the world remains full of mystery. Instead of trying to figure everything out logically, accept that some things will always remain a mystery."
Wow, I agree, everything is a mystery. But I love trying to figure it all out....what do you find a mystery?
Have a lovely Sunday with your mysterious family.
Friday, December 28, 2012
The 30 Most Important Cats of 2012
Hi everyone,
Did you see this website? The 30 most important cats of 2012? And I am not on the list? How can people resist my cream covered face?
Check it out below:
The 30 Most Important Cats 0f 2012
My favourites are (in no particular order):
Colonel Meow (below):

Or the Alarm Clock Cat:
Or actually, my favourite is Henri...the Existentialist Cat. There are now three parts to this story so if you go to youTube and type in "Henri Cat", you can watch all episodes....:
Which one of the 30 is your favourite?
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to all my Cat Blog buddies! This is about as Christmassy as I get - posing with Santas.....
Who loves Simons Cat? Have you checked out his webpage recently?
Simons Cat Webpage
Here is a great film of Simon's Cat that I wanted to share with you on Christmas Day as I can totally relate - I hate sticky tape! I can find it on my body and rip it off in record time!
I hope you have a brilliant and wonderful Christmas day....sending you lots of love and purrs
Simons Cat
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Psychic Sunday
Hi Everyone,
Welcome back to Psychic Sunday.
I hope you like what I have in store for you this week.
The card I have pulled for you today is The Gift of Giving:
The advice for this card is, "The gift of giving is a gift that gives back. We often receive just as much by giving as the person to whom we give. But be careful not to give so much of yourself that there is nothing left for you - you will be left feeling drained and lacking energy."
This is very apt so close to Christmas. But we cats are very good at giving aren't we....purrs, snuggles, rubs. And we never expect anything in return - lucky we get lots of pats and love though.....
Have a lovely Sunday with your family giving your all.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Psychic Sunday
Hi Everyone,
Welcome back to Psychic Sunday.
I hope you like what I have in store for you this week.
The card I have pulled for you today is Family:
The advice for this card is, "Appreciate your family - they are a source of unconditional love and guidance to which you can turn whenever you need advice."
This is such a lovely card. I love my family. They really look after me and I snuggle with them every night. How much do you appreciate your family?
Have a lovely Sunday with your family.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Psychic Sunday
Hi Everyone,
Welcome back to Psychic Sunday.
I hope you like what I have in store for you this week.
The card I have pulled for you today is Healthy Diet:
The advice for this card is, "Pay special attention to what you are putting into your body. A well balanced diet is the key to feeling healthy and having the energy you need to reach your potential each day."
I am always hungry - are you? I think the best food for me is whatever is on Vicki & Pauls plate. But I will put up with ham, chicken, roast, prawns, tuna and Friskies! Paul thinks I forget I have eaten and just want to keep eating. I dont think he realises how much work I do around here and need the energy to keep up.
Have a great Sunday.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Psychic Sunday
Hi Everyone,
Welcome back to Psychic Sunday.
I hope you like what I have in store for you this week.
The card I have pulled for you today is Curiosity:
The advice for this card is, "Cats are renowned for their curiosity - the moment they discover something new, it captures their attention and they want to know everything there is to know about it. Take a leaf out of the cats book and explore the world around you - your life will be more satisfying and rewarding for it."
I love exploring new things. If anything new comes into the house, I am there. Vicki recently took me to visit Paul at work. I loved it! A bus depot! It was very exciting and I did not know where to look.
Have a great Sunday.
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