Our next door neighbour looks after injured possums as part of the WIRES network.
For more information on WIRES click here
Every now and then she tells Vicki to keep me inside while she is repatriating a possum back to the wild. It is so frustrating for me because I can hear them outside and I just want to go and play.
One night, Vicki was cooking dinner and the manhole cover fell in the hallway. Vicki was quite scared as she did not know why it had fallen. She pointed it out to Paul who put it back and remarked how strange it was it had fallen by itself. We all had dinner and retired to the loungeroom for our nightly sit on the lounge while Paul and Vicki watch the noisy screen on the wall. I can never understand their attraction to this noisy contraption - apparently called the television! I knew it was a night that they would be busy with their adult cartoons - South Park and Drawn Together.
Sometimes I like to go and check in the bedrooms and sleep under the central heating vents. I did so on this particular night and to my delight, I found a new indoor play toy! It looked just like the possums that I see outside! Now I know that anything that is in the house is part of the family and I am not allowed to hurt it so I just played with this possum in the bedrooms - we ran from room to room. It was so much fun. At one stage I could hear Vicki and Paul yelling from the lounge room to stop running around and no amount of performing would allow me to go outside. I didn't need to go outside - I had all the fun I needed inside.
Finally Paul came out to the kitchen to make a cup of tea for Vicki. He spoilt all my fun and asked Vicki to come and grab me while...for reasons unknown...Paul opened the back door to allow my new indoor playmate to run outside! Paul told Vicki that the possum must have been in the ceiling and fell into the house when the manhole cover dropped.
Apparently, when Vicki went down to check the bedrooms, all the side tables were empty, lamps were knocked over and according to her, "It looked as though a bomb had hit it!". But what price fun?
Occasionally I still see my indoor playmate around in the yard. Paul has named him Perry.
I would LOVE a playmate! What a shame he had to go outside.
ReplyDeleteHuffle Mawson
Cute photo!!